In the interest of full disclosure, I'm am deeply and profoundly bipolar. I've been through the system and have the street cred one acquires from time spent misdiagnosed and doing the Thorazine Shuffle in San Francisco General's ER. It is, after all, hard to hold on to someone in the throws of a mania for Seventy-two hour. We're wily fuckers.
I've been hospitalized three times, the first at 18 and the last beginning the day I turned 45. In fairness, the second of the three, when I was in my early 30's, was a day patient affair.
It is pretty amusing when his neuroses meets my (occasional), ahem minor psychoses (look it up... you meet the medical definition now and then -- and always when you drink).
This is the story of a teacher who allowed his student to flit in and out of his transom always welcoming him back. If I'm lucky, it will be the story of a student's return; the story the student tells of his wanderings.
No, I didn't learn an awful lot of guitar from David. I did learn a lot about music. What I mean to say is that he cracked a major block I had about how music worked. I'm sure this will become evident.